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Home / News / Cruiser and Fishing Cups 2023
Home / News / Cruiser and Fishing Cups 2023

Cruiser and Fishing Cups 2023

Published 11:02 on 1 Nov 2023

As the season draws to a close, it's time to reflect on those summer cruises. This year has seen a number of boats venturing far and wide exploring the south west and across the channel. Also for our fishermen the hot weather in June & September provided a few good days fishing, the on set of climate change bringing the odd unusual species into the bay.

The prize giving is not all about the racing we have the following prizes to award, for the cruiser prizes please submit you logs and for the fishing prizes just drop us an email with your catch.

Cruising trophies:

Sailing Cruisers - the longest voyage completed in a two-week period (not necessarily Axe based).

Motor Cruisers - the longest voyage completed in a two-week period (not necessarily Axe based).

Sailing Cruisers - greatest cumulative distance achieved throughout the season for an Axe based vessel.

Motor Cruisers - greatest cumulative distance achieved throughout the season for an Axe based vessel.


  • The largest species caught.
  • The most species caught.
  • The most unusual species caught.

Please submit your entries to Michael Crees - Rear Commodore Activities Afloat

Closing date for submissions is 11th November.

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