RYA Shorebased Courses
RYA First Aid Course - Sat 29th March 2025
This one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages. See the RYA website for more details. 12 places are available on each First Aid course run at AYC. The cost of this course is £80 per person (non-AYC members £100).
AYC members:To book & pay online see the Training Calendar and click on the 'book' link beside the relevant course (you need to be logged in to see 'book' link).
Non-members please contact training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk.
RYA VHF Course
Saturday 1st March 2025, Sunday 2nd March 2025
One day course.
AYC members @ £80 (non-members @ £100) 6 places available per course.
Separate fee for RYA SRC exam £76 payable on the day
AYC members: To book & pay online please see the Training Calendar and click on the 'book' link beside the relevant course (you need to be logged in to see 'book' link).
Non-members please contact training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk.
RYA Diesel Engine Course - Saturday 22nd March 2025
One day course
AYC members @ £80, non-members @£100. A one-day beginners' course to help you prevent & solve diesel engine failure. Mechanical failure is the main cause of rescue call-outs. Whether you sail a yacht with an auxiliary diesel engine or are a motorboat enthusiast, this course could not just save you money, but one day could save your life.
AYC members:To book & pay online see the Training Calendar and click on the 'book' link beside the relevant course (you need to be logged in to see 'book' link).
Non-members please contact training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk.
RYA Yachtmaster and Day Skipper Courses 2024/2025 - BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED
YM & DS courses are run as weekly evening classes over the winter months (October to March/April). The Day Skipper course is a comprehensive introduction to cruising for inexperienced skippers. The Yachtmaster course provides advanced training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course. The courses are relevant to both sailors and power boaters. Each course lasts 24 weeks and costs £370 for AYC members, £395 for non-members. The fee can be paid in two instalments if required - an initial payment of £200 members (£225 non-members) when booking and a second instalment of £170 at the beginning of January 2025.
There are now two Day skipper courses to choose from, one run on Mondays and one on Tuesdays:
Day skipper (1) starts Monday, 14 October 2024, 7.00 - 9.00 p.m
Day skipper (2) starts Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 7.00 - 9.00 p.m
Yachtmaster starts Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 7.00 - 9.00 p.m
Further details of the course are available at:
Please book by 30th September 2024 so that we can order and have available the relevant course packs in time for the beginning of the course.
If you would like to discuss the courses with one of our tutors, please e-mail training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk with your contact details and suggest a good time to phone you.
AYC members:To book & pay online see the Training Calendar and click on the 'book' link beside the relevant course (you need to be logged in).
Non-members please contact training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk.
* Online booking and payment is only available to AYC members (login required). Non-AYC members please contact the training secretary training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk to book a place.
For further information and advice on any RYA courses held at AYC please contact Sheila Crees either by e-mail (training-secretary@axeyachtclub.co.uk) or phone 01297 24817.