Important Information
Boat Size Limits
Due to the size of the pontoons and the capability of the boat lift, the limits are 31'6" (9.6m) length overall, 10'10" (3.3m) maximum beam, and displacement 5.0 tonnes. If you wish to purchase a boat or change your existing boat (whether you already have yard storage/a mooring or are on the waiting list) you will need prior approval from Harbour Services - please see 'Purchasing a Boat or Change of Boat'.
Boatyard Storage - Vessels must NOT be left connected to the club's electricity supply whilst unattended.
To prevent potential trip and electrical hazards, electrical extension cables must be disconnected from the supply and removed from the yard (or stowed on-board), when not in use.
All boats, trailers and other equipment should be marked with the owner's membership number
For boats, the permits issued will suffice and these should be displayed in an easily seen position, preferably on the transom. For trailers, the number should also be painted on clearly - it causes problems for Harbour Services if, when needing to recover a boat from the harbour, they can't identify which trailer it should be put on. It is also helpful in cross-referring keys to boats and trailers.
A set of trailer keys must be left with Harbour Services
Despite repeated requests, there are still many boats on locked trailers where no keys have been left with Harbour Services or where the trailer is not fit to be used. Particularly during the Spring and Autumn, Harbour Services need to move boats to enable others to be launched or parked up for the winter and what should be a 10 minute job when the small tractor can be used, turns into an hour long resource-consuming task if the boat hoist has to be used to move the boat and trailer assembly. It also means that boats cannot be parked as closely together. Therefore, boat owners will be charged the standard boat hoist fee if their boat needs to be moved using the hoist due to the keys not being available or the trailer not being serviceable or safe to be used.
Mooring Allocation
The prior possession or acquisition of a boat shall in no way entitle a member to expect the allocation of a mooring or hard standing on club premises, nor shall it affect precedence on a waiting list. Mooring waiting list.
Mooring Plan
Pontoon Moorings
A member is responsible for providing their own bridles and fenders. A member shall follow standard mooring procedure, using lines with a minimum diameter of 12mm for all vessels. In addition, for vessels over 7.5 metres, snubbers are to be used on bow or stern lines connected to the ends of finger pontoons.
Raised outboard motors must have their propellers covered
There have been a number of concerns about the risk of damage when manoeuvring in the vicinity of moored boats with raised unprotected outboard motor propellers. The usual way of mitigating this is to have the propeller covered by a bucket (the yellow ones from Bradfords are recommended) and the club has decided to adopt a policy that all boats on moorings with raised outboard motors must have their propellers covered in this way.
Click HERE for Yard Storage waiting lists (Summer & Winter).
Click HERE for byelaws regarding unseaworthy/unused vessels and abandoned/derelict trailers.